Jonathan Cardoso Machado
[en] / pt-br

Re-utilizing React Native styles with Styled Components


Having to refactor some components to use styled-components I felt the urge to reuse some existing styles created to be used with React Native StyleSheet, directly on styled!

Let’s assume that:

  1. You are migrating a React Native app to use Styled Components.
  2. You have a Styles object somewhere on your code base with all your common styles, that looks something like this:
// ...

export const Styles = {
  inputSmall: {
    fontSize: 14,
    color: Colors.inputColor,
  // ...
  1. You have a component that uses that Styles object:
// ...

const Component = () => {
  return (
      {/* ...other components */}
      <TextInput style={[Styles.inputSmall, styles.input]} />

export default Component

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  input: {
    fontSize: 16,

In case you don’t know, Styled Components allows for object interpolation directly in the styles declaration, so when migrating that component to use styled, it can be simplified like so:

// ...

const Input = styled.TextInput`
  font-size: 16;

const Component = () => {
  return (
      {/* ...other components */}
      <Input />

export default Component

Thanks to Gabriel Rubens for the tip!


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